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Five Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Wearing Braces

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

braces for kids harvard ma

Your child may experience some anxiety about going to visit their Harvard orthodontist. Dr. Walker knows how to turn your child’s orthodontic treatment experience into a fun one. Kids can always find thrills in new experiences!

Children as young as 3 can benefit from dentistry, so here are five suggestions from the team at Walker Orthodontics to help get your children excited for orthodontic treatment with braces. Offer your child a treat once they’re through with their Harvard, MA, orthodontist visit. A trip to the park or a picnic lunch are fun activities that can be associated with a child’s orthodontic visits, and will help them look forward to their appointments and give them the incentive to take their treatment seriously.

Accompany your child while they are in the exam room during treatment, if the orthodontist allows it, and hold their hand for comfort. As an alternative, give them a little trinket or stress ball to squeeze to remind them that they’re not alone.

Get your child excited for their new smile. Take photographs of their treatment progression to help illustrate to them their continuing improvement.

After they’re finished with treatment, they’ll finally have a shiny and new set of straight teeth. Make sure they know that the result is worth the effort.

Color their braces! Many orthodontists offer a wide palette of colored elastics for their patient’s braces. Whether it’s school colors, holiday themes, or just one single shade, Dr. Walker says that having these choices will excite them about and involve them in their treatment.

Help them relax. Play music they like, give them a snack for the ride, or make some quiet time for them to relax. Sometimes, the best stress-reducing opportunity is on the ride between home and your orthodontist. Once you get to your orthodontist’s office, allow your child some more fun downtime before they go into the exam room. Let them know you understand their fear and that is natural to feel that way. Remind them that the short time they spend at the orthodontist is nothing compared to the rest of their day or even the rest of their week.

Parents already know what a challenge it is to help their children develop into healthy adults. By taking action with one or more of these tips from Walker Orthodontics, you can instill in your child the motivation to visit the orthodontist and appreciation for good oral health care habits.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Walker, call Walker Orthodontics near Fitchburg,MA at: 978-345-7988

The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other orthodontic-related topics, feel free to contact Walker Orthodontics, with convenient orthodontic offices in Harvard & Lunenburg, by calling 978.345.7988 or clicking here to request your complimentary, no-obligation Walker Orthodontics Smile Assessment.

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