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Did You Know?

Orthodontics has been around for centuries. Ancient Egyptians used crude metal bands to correct dental alignment, and ancient Greeks and Romans used catgut to tie teeth together to straighten them.

Fortunately, orthodontics has progressed a long way since then, and at Walker Orthodontics our advanced technologies help to speed up your treatment and give you the best results. Our all-inclusive pricing means you don't have to worry about the cost, while remote monitoring means no need for frequent office visits either!

Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve the perfect smile with modern technology!


Request A Consult!

Contact us today, and we will evaluate your child.

978.345.7988 / 978.456.8902

Lunenburg | 119 Massachusetts Ave. | Lunenburg, MA 01462

Harvard | 5 Pond Rd | Harvard, MA 01451

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