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Are You Concerned About Your Child's Sleep Breathing?


*Kids can show different signs and symptoms of sleep-related breathing disorders compared to adults.*

For example, the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) threshold for adults to be diagnosed with sleep apnea is five events per hour. For kids, as few as one event per hour is generally a concern and may warrant treatment. In addition, kids can show drastically different signs of sleep disturbances compared to adults. Few people are aware of the relationship between health and crooked teeth, including breathing problems, bruxism (grinding), and sleep issues.

We help discover and treat sleep disorders in Lunenburg and Harvard, MA. The BEARS questionnaire is a simple, effective screening tool for many sleep disorders.

BEARS stands for:

B = Bedtime Issues E = Excessive Daytime Sleepiness A = Night Awakenings R = Regularity & Duration of Sleep S = Snoring

Contact us today, and we will evaluate your child. 978.345.7988 / 978.456.8902

Lunenburg | 119 Massachusetts Ave. | Lunenburg, MA 01462 Harvard | 5 Pond Rd | Harvard, MA 01451

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